

日立システムズ SHIELD Security Research Center

Initial Disclosure Date: July 30, 2014

On July 30, 2014, representatives from the Japanese central government and Tokyo metropolitan government held the second liaison council meeting to prepare for the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020. Metropolitan government officials listed 15 items which require financial support from the Japanese government, such as the renewal of game venues, construction works for railway-associated facilities to make them barrier free, and more robust security measures including counter cyber terrorism, although it is not clear what they meant by “cyber terrorism.” The local government believes they need better cyber defenses and cutting edge technologies to ensure the success of the event. (footnote:1)

In November 2013, the Tokyo metropolitan government made a request to the central government for national budget support and the document also reflects Tokyo’s deep concern about cyber espionage and sabotage because they can threaten Japan’s public safety, national security, and crisis management. The local government asked the National Police Agency to enhance more information on cyber threats between the public and private sectors, host joint exercises between the public and private sectors to improve responses to cyber incidents, increase the capability of cyber crimes investigation through outsourced training programs, and procure devices for analysis in good quality and quantity. (footnote:2)


  1. NHK News, “Gorin ni muke kuni no zaisei shien wo to gay obo [the Tokyo metropolitan government requested the Japanese central government to provide financial support],” July 30, 2014,
  2. Tokyo Metropolitan Government, “Heisei 26 nendo Kuni no yosan hensei ni taisuru Tokyo-to no teian yokyu [request for financial support from JFY 2014 national budget], November 2013,
    http://www.chijihon.metro.tokyo.jp/kouiki/teian/teian_26aki/26_aki.pdf, 358.

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