

日立システムズ SHIELD Security Research Center

Initial Disclosure Date: Mar 27, 2014

On March 26, 2014, the Japanese Ministry of Defense launched the Cyber Defense Unit, which is responsible to monitor the internal networks of the MOD and Self-Defense Forces and respond to any incident on a 24/7 basis, gather and analyze cyber intelligence, and pursue R&D for better cyber defense.(footnote:1) The Unit consists of approximately 90 members from the Air, Ground, and Maritime SDF. According to the Sankei Shimbun, the Japanese government is pondering if the unit can defend the network of other Japanese governmental organizations.(footnote:2) The unit will conduct joint exercises with the US military.(footnote:3)

For the background information, please visit Hitachi Systems’ old report, “The Self-Defense Forces’ Cyberspace Defense Unit and Chinese Reports,” dated June 26th, 2012, at http://www.shield.ne.jp/ssrc/topics/SSRC-ER-12-017-en.html.


  1. Ministry of Defense, “Saiba Boeitai no shinpen nit suite [the establishment of the Cyber Defense Unit],” March 25, 2014,
  2. Sankei Shimbun, “Jieitai ni Saiba Boeitai 24 jikan, 90 nin taisei de hossoku [The SDF launches the Cyber Defense Unit with 90 members for 24/7 missions],” March 25, 2014,
  3. Jiji, “Saiba Boeitai ga kyo hossoku = kogeki shuho mo kenkyu  Boei-sho [the Ministry of Defense launches the Cyber Defense Unit today to research adversary’s offensive measures],” March 26, 2014,

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