

日立システムズ SHIELD Security Research Center

Initial Disclosure Date: Feb 20, 2013

On February 4, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced that the ministry would host cybersecurity exercises with critical infrastructure companies, including Hitachi, to simulate cyber-attacks on power grids, gas supply, and buildings between early February and mid March. This is the first time for the ministry to conduct this kind of exercises with simulation systems. They will examine what kind of issues Japanese critical infrastructures have in terms of computer virus infections, hacking, and system outage.

The METI conducts the gas supply-related exercises with gas suppliers and Industrial Control System (ICS) vendors between February 5th and 6th and February 14th and 15th. The buildings-related exercise will be with building owners and research institutes on February 25. The power grid-related exercise will be held at a Hitachi office with electric power companies, ICS vendors, and research institutes on March 12.

The METI will bring back lessons learned to the Tohoku Tagajo Technical Center, Miyagi Prefecture, northern Japan, to research and develop more secure ICS. The center will acquire the full operational capability this spring.


  • METI, “News Release: denryoku, gasu, biru bunya no saiba sekyuriti enshu wo jisshi shimasu --- enshuyo mogi shisutemu wo mochiita kokunai hatsu no saiba sekyuriti enshu --- [News Release: the METI hosts cybersecurity exercises in the building, gas supply, and power grid areas --- the first exercises to use simulation systems in Japan],” February 4, 2013,

  • * Each company name, an organization name, and a brand name are a trade name of each company and each organization, or a registered trademark.
